Twenty On The Go Snacks You Can’t Live Without

I think every mama can relate. You’re driving home and you are teetering a dangerous line with dinner time. You try to drive as quickly as possible but your little’s start to cry out “I’m hungry!”. So you quickly throw back whatever “snack” you can find, in hopes it will hold them over until you get home. Thankfully they stop crying, you glance back and immediately your heart drops. THEY ARE COVERED FROM HEAD TO TOE in that half eaten cookie you had from lunch that you just gave to them.

As a mama it is essential that you always have a stash of quick, low mess, non-sticky, go to snacks for those “emergency” moments like this one.

20 On The Go Snacks You Can’t Live Without:

  1. Animal crackers

2. Cauliflower Stalks: These are one of our new favorite snacks. They are super easy to eat and yummy! They come in a variety of flavors. Our favorite is Cheddar.

3. Goldfish

4. Bananas

5. Popcorn


7. Pirate’s Booty: Booty you say? Mama’s this is the best little puff snack ever! It is tasty but also the cheese is white and wont stain your kiddos clothes.

8. Granola Bars

9. Apples

10. Trail Mix

11. Veggie Straws

12. Fruit Pouches: Our go to fruit pouches are the GoGo Squeez. They taste great and are a lot cheaper than the Gerber one you normally find in the baby food aisle.

13. Dried Fruit

14. Harvest Snaps

15. Parmesan Cheese Crisps

16. Pretzels

If you have access to a cooler,these snacks are also AWESOME:

17. Carrot Sticks

18. Sliced Cucumber

19. Cheese Sticks

20. Sliced Peppers

Don’t forget to always have wipes and an couple extra water bottles handy in your car as well! Just incase your kiddo gets thirsty or there is a slight mess from the crumbs.

Happy Exploring!

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