Rainy Day’s call for Chatter Splatter

Today, Brayden and I went to Chatter Splatter Play Group in Conshohoken, PA. It was our very first time going. It was super rainy and I knew if we stayed inside Bray would be bouncing off the walls by noon. (How many mama’s can relate?)

I am not going to lie, I was very hesitant to take him due to the pandemic and I wasn’t sure what measures they were taking to make sure everything was safe and clean for the kiddos. So I decided to check them out online first.

Can I tell you I was pleasantly surprised?!?!?!?

I went on the website to check out the hours (Open 9AM-12PM) . They are currently running at 50% capacity and in order to go, you have to preregister online to reserve your spot. They also laid out on the website exactly what their approach was to keeping the facility clean.

When we arrived, they reviewed the safety precautions during the pandemic, assigned us a cubby for our belongings and checked us in. This all occurred in a matter of minutes. It was a very quick and easy check in process.

They had an array of toys, cars, slides and bouncy things for the kiddos to play with. Brayden especially loved the little construction vehicles you could ride on.

We were there for about two hours and definitely could have spent more time!!!

The facility is a big open turf field (soccer facility during the evening and weekends). There was definitely plenty of space for everyone to spread out and not be on top of each other.

They offer complimentary juice and cookies for the kids and let’s not forget COFFEE FOR THE ADULTS! 😉

Throughout our entire visit the husband and wife duo were bopping around cleaning and chatting with everyone. It was a great environment where we could feel safe, have fun and burn some energy.

We would love to hear about your rainy day activities! What do you do on a rainy day?

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